
Start Learning Here


Throughout this practice education learning resource, you will have information to readvideos to watch and activities to undertake. It will be useful for you to have a space (digital or physical) to take notes, complete the activities and make plans for your development. 

Top tip: Microsoft OneNote is a useful free tool to help you organise your ideas on your PC or mobile device. Watch this video and see this playlist to find out more. Why not give it a try for this course…

Course modules

Click on the links to each module below, you will need to keep track of your progress through this course. We recommend discussing this course as part of your regular development conversations with your manager.

The first three modules of this course provide an overview of healthcare education and your role in this process:

Then we will focus on the legal and professional regulation of healthcare education and what you need to know work within this framework:

Finally we will explore some tools and techniques that will help you in facilitating practice learning, and what this course means for your personal and professional development:

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